राजा रविवर्मा
कृपया स्वत:च्या शब्दात परिच्छेद लेखन करून या लेखाचा / विभागाचा विस्तार करण्यास मदत करा. अधिक माहितीसाठी या लेखाचे चर्चा पान, विस्तार कसा करावा? किंवा इतर विस्तार विनंत्या पाहा. |
राजा रविवर्मा | |
जन्म | २९ एप्रिल १८४८ किलीमानूर |
मृत्यू | ५ ऑक्टोबर १९०६ अत्तीनगल |
राष्ट्रीयत्व | भारतीय |
नागरिकत्व | भारतीय |
धर्म | हिंदू |
राजा रवि वर्मा, (मल्याळम भाषा:രാജാ രവി വര്മ ; रोमन लिपी: Raja Ravi Varma ;) (एप्रिल २९, इ.स. १८४८- ऑक्टोबर २, इ.स. १९०६) हा भारताच्या त्रावणकोरच्या राजघराण्यातील एक चित्रकार होता. त्याने भारतीय साहित्य आणि संस्कृतीतील पात्रांची रंगीत चित्रे काढली. राज रविवर्म्याने काढलेल्या चित्रांनंतरच हिंदूंना आपले देव कसे दिसत असावॆत, ते समजले. भारतातील परंपरागत हिंदू महाकाव्ये आणि पुराणांतील कथा यांवर रविवर्म्यानॆ काढलेली चित्रे आजही प्रमाण मानली जातात.
रविवर्म्याचा जन्म एका राजघराण्यात २९ एप्रिल १८४८ रोजी केरळमधील कोईल तंपुरन येतील किलिमनूर राजवाड्यात झाला. त्याचे वडील मोठे विद्वान व आई ही कवयित्री होती. त्याच्या आईने लिहिलेले काव्य, 'पार्वती स्वयंवर' हे रविवर्म्याने तिच्या मृत्यूनंतर प्रसिद्ध केले. राजा रवि वर्माला सी.गोडा वर्मा नावाचा भाऊ व मंगला नावाची बहीण होती.त्याच्या बालपणीच त्याला महाराज अलियम् तिरुनल या त्याच्या नातलग राजाचा आश्रय मिळाला. रविवर्म्याचे काका उत्तम चित्रकार होते. तो वारसा पुतण्यात उतरला. याशिवाय त्रिवेंद्रमच्या राजदरबारी असणारे इंग्रज चित्रकार थी ओडेर जेन्सन, रामस्वामी नायडू यांच्या चित्रकारितेचा प्रभाव त्यांच्यावर पडला. त्रावणकोर महाराजांच्य प्रोत्साहनामुळे त्याला अधिकच प्रेरणा मिळाली.
१८७३ मध्ये मद्रास येथील चित्रकलेच्या स्पर्धेत रविवर्म्याने सुवर्णपदक मिळवले. महाराजांच्या दरबारात असणाऱ्या इटालियन तैलचित्रांकडे पाहून त्याने तैलचित्रे काढण्याचे ठरवले.
राजा रविवर्म्याच्या चित्रांत एक सुंदर, प्रमाणबद्ध व सौंदर्यवती साडी नेसलेली स्त्री असते. त्याचा स्टुडिओ महाराष्ट्रात लोणावळ्याला होता. तेव्हा दिसलेल्या मराठी स्त्रियांकडे पाहून त्याने तशाच स्त्रिया चित्रांत रंगवल्या. सन इ.स. १८७३ मध्ये, व्हिएन्ना येथे झलेल्या कला प्रदर्शनात त्याला मिळालेल्या प्रथम पारितोषिकामुळे तो जागतिक क्षेत्रावर प्रकाशझोतात आला.
[लपवा]कला जीवन[संपादन]
राजा रविवर्म्याने चित्रांतील विविध विषयासाठी भारतभर प्रवास केला. त्याचे 'दुष्यंत व शकुन्तला','नल व दमयंती, या विषयावरील चित्रे प्रसिद्ध आहेत. त्याच्या चित्रांनी भारतीयांस त्यांच्या धर्मग्रंथांतील द्दष्ये डोळ्यासमोर साकार झाली. ही त्याची चित्रे सर्व भारतभर प्रसिद्ध झाली.
आधुनिक भारतीय वास्तववादी चित्रकलेचा जनक म्हणून राजा रविर्म्याचे नाव घेतले जाते.
युरोपियन चित्रकारांप्रमाणे ‘कमिशन पोट्र्रेट’ काढणारे ते पहिले भारतीय चित्रकार. त्यांच्या चित्रकलेवर पाश्चात्त्यांचा पगडा असला तरी त्यांची चित्रे मात्र अस्सल भारतीय होती. रामायण-महाभारतातील प्रसंग, विश्वामित्र-मेनका, दुष्यंत-शकुंतला, उर्वशी-पुरुरवा अशी एकापेक्षा एक सरस चित्रे आपल्या वास्तववादी शैलीच्या कलाकृतीतून चितारली आहेत. आपली चित्रे छापण्यासाठी त्यांनी लोणावळ्याजवळील मळवली येथे शिळा (प्रेस) छापखाना उभारला. या छापखान्यातून हजारो देवदेवतांची चित्रं साऱ्या भारतभर पूजली जाऊ लागली. देवतांना मानवी चेहरे देण्याचे काम रविवर्मा यांनी केले.
आपल्या चित्रांतून भारतीय संस्कृतीचा ठसा जगात पोहचविणाऱ्या रविवर्माना अनेक मानसन्मान मिळाले. शिकागोच्या आंतरराष्ट्रीय प्रदर्शनात स्थान मिळणारे ते एकमेव. सातव्या एडवर्डने कैसर-ए-हिंद’ हा पुरस्कार देऊन त्यांना गौरविले होते. त्या काळात देशविदेशातील राजांचे राजवाडे राजा रविवर्माच्या चित्रांच्या दालनांनी सजले होते. त्यांच्या चित्रातून मानवी स्वभावाच्या भावना, छटा सहजसुंदरतेने दर्शविल्या. वयाच्या ५८ व्या वर्षी २ ऑक्टोबर १९०६ रोजी त्यांचे निधन झाले. भारतीय कलेच्या इतिहासात तो उत्कृष्ट चित्रकारांपैकी एक समजला जातो.
राजाची पदवी[संपादन]
इ.स. १९०४ मध्ये, भारताचे व्हाइसरॉय लॉर्ड कर्झन यांनी केसर-इ-हिंद या सुवर्णपदकाने सन्मानित केले. त्यावेळेस त्याचे नांव 'राजा रवि वर्मा' असे नोंदविलॆ गेले. [१]. इ.स. १९९३ मध्ये,नवी दिल्ली येथे त्याच्या चित्रांचे प्रदर्शन भरले.त्याने भारतीय कलेस दिलेल्या योगदानाचा गौरव म्हणून केरळ सरकारने त्याच्या नावानेराजा रवि वर्मा पुरस्कार सुरू केला. हा कला व संस्कृतीच्या क्षेत्रात उत्कृष्ट प्रावीण्य दाखविणाऱ्याला प्रतिवर्षी दिला जातो.
मावेलिकरा, केरळ येथे त्याच्या सन्मानाप्रीत्यर्थ फाइन आर्टचे एक महाविद्यालय उघडण्यात आले आहे.
मुख्य कामांची यादी[संपादन]
राजा रविवर्म्याच्या प्रमुख चित्रांची यादी -
संदर्भ व नोंदी[संपादन]
- ↑ १.०१.१ "The Diary of C. Rajaraja Varma"
बाह्य दुवे[संपादन]
- रवि वर्म्याची तैलचित्रे[मृत दुवा] विदागारातील आवृत्ती
- राजा रवि वर्म्याची चित्रे
- राजा रवि वर्म्याची चित्रे
- थोड्क्यात आत्मचरित्र
- रवि वर्मा मुद्रणालयातिल संकलन
- कामत.कॉम वरील मोठे संकलन
- तैलचित्राद्वारे जिवन
- Indian Art Circles: राजा रवि वर्मा
- द हिन्दु:राजसी कलाकार
- चंदिगड वस्तुसंग्रहालय:नउ निपुण
- वर्णम्: रवि वर्म्याची शिळाचित्रे सापडली[मृत दुवा]
- २० व्या शतकाच्या पूर्वार्धातिल पोस्टकार्डस्
- विस्तार विनंती
- भारतीय चित्रकार
- मल्याळी व्यक्ती
- पोस्टाचे तिकीट असलेल्या व्यक्ती
- इ.स. १८४८ मधील जन्म
- इ.स. १९०६ मधील मृत्यू
Raja Ravi Varma
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaRavi Varma Coil Thampuran
രാജാ രവിവർമ്മBorn 29 April 1848[1][2]
Kilimanoor, TravancoreDied 5 October 1906 (aged 58)
Attingal, Travancore, British RajOccupation Painter, artist Signature Raja Ravi Varma Coil Thampuran[3] (Malayalam: രാജാ രവിവർമ്മ; 29 April 1848 – 5 October 1906) was an Indian painter and artist from the princely state of Travancore (presently in southern Kerala & some parts of Tamil Nadu) who achieved recognition for his paintings depicting scenes from Indian literature and mythology including the epics of Mahabharata and Ramayana. He is considered among the greatest painters in the history of Indian art and his paintings are considered to be among the best examples of the fusion of Indian traditions with the techniques of European academic art[citation needed] . Varma's paintings portrayed sari-clad women in graceful manner, which became an important motif of that time, reproductions being found in many homes.[4]Contents
[hide]Art career[edit]
Varma was patronized by Ayilyam Thirunal, the then Maharajah of Travancore and began formal training thereafter.[5] He learned the basics of painting in Madurai. Later, he was trained in water painting by Rama Swami Naidu and in oil painting by Dutch portraitist Theodor Jenson.Varma received widespread acclaim after he won an award for an exhibition of his paintings at Vienna in 1873. Varma's paintings were also sent to the World's Columbian Exposition held in Chicago in 1893 and he was awarded three gold medals.[6] He travelled throughout India in search of subjects. He often modelled Hindu Goddesses onSouth Indian women, whom he considered beautiful. Ravi Varma is particularly noted for his paintings depicting episodes from the story of Dushyanta and Shakuntala, andNala and Damayanti, from the Mahabharata. Ravi Varma's representation of mythological characters has become a part of the Indian imagination of the epics. He is often criticized for being too showy and sentimental in his style but his work remains very popular in India. Many of his fabulous paintings are housed at Laxmi Vilas Palace, Vadodara.[7]Inspiration[edit]
As narrated in the novel "Raja Ravi Varma" by Ranjit Desai, There was a woman called Sugandha Bai who became inspiration for Raja Ravi Varma to paint gods and goddesses as human beings. Once Ravi Varma happened to see this beautiful lady in a temple and suddenly felt inspired. He then sketched Sugandha Bai's portrait and gifted her. Sugandha Bai got attracted towards Raja Ravi Varma's sketches and agreed to become his model to portray Hindu Goddesses in his paintings.Raja Ravi Varma Press[edit]
Apparently on the advice of the then Dewan (Prime Minister) of Travancore, T. Madhava Rao, Ravi Varma started a lithographic printing press in Ghatkopar, Mumbai in 1894 and later shifted it to Malavli near Lonavala, Maharashtra in 1899. The press was managed by Varma's brother, Raja Varma. In 1901 the press was sold to his printing technician from Germany, Mr. Schleicher and later closed down after it was gutted in an accidental fire.[8] The oleographs produced by the press were mostly of Hindu gods and goddesses in scenes adapted mainly from the Mahabharata, the Ramayana and the Puranas. These oleographs were very popular and continued to be printed in thousands for many years, even after the 1906 death of Ravi Varma.Honours[edit]
In 1904, Viceroy Lord Curzon, on behalf of the British King Emperor, bestowed upon Varma the Kaisar-i-Hind Gold Medal. A college dedicated to fine arts was also constituted in his honour at Mavelikara, Kerala. Raja Ravi Varma High School at Kilimanoor was named after him and there are many cultural organizations throughout India bearing his name. In 2013, the crater Varma on Mercury was named in his honor.[9] Considering his vast contribution to Indian art, the Government of Kerala has instituted an award called "Raja Ravi Varma Puraskaram", which is awarded every year to people who show excellence in the field of art and culture.Personal life[edit]
Raja Ravi Varma was born as Ravi Varma Coil Thampuran[10] in Kilimanoor palace in the erstwhile Thiruvithankur in Kerala. His father Ezhumavil Neelakanthan Bhattatiripad was an accomplished scholar, who hailed from theErnakulam district in Kerala. His mother Umayamba Thamburatty was a poet and writer whose work Parvati Swayamvaram was published by Varma after her death. He had 3 siblings namely Goda Varma (born 1854), Raja Varma (born 1860) and Mangala Bayi, who was also a painter. As per the Marumakkathayam tradition, the name of the maternal uncle (Raja Raja Varma) was prefixed to his name and later he was referred to as Raja Ravi Varma.[5]Varma was married to Pururuttathi Nal Bhageerathi Thamburatty of the royal house of Mavelikkara and they had two sons and three daughters. Their elder son, Kerala Varma, born in 1876 went missing in 1912 and was never heard of again. Their second son Rama Varma (born 1879), an artist who studied at the JJ School of Arts, Mumbai, married to Gowri Kunjamma, sister of Dewan PGN Unnithan. Varma's eldest daughter, Ayilyam Nal Mahaprabha, appears in two of his prominent paintings and was mother of Maharani Pooradam thirunal Sethu Lakshmi Bayi, the Regent of Travancore. Their second daughter, Thiruvadira Nal Kochukunji was the mother of Amma Maharani Moolam Thirunal Sethu Parvathi Bayi and the grandmother of Maharajah Chithira Thirunal Balarama Varma. Their third daughter, born in 1882, was Ayilyam Nal Cheria Kochamma.His descendants comprise the Mavelikara Royal house while two of his grand daughters, including the said Sethu Lakshmi Bayi and Sethu Parvathi Bayi, were adopted to the Travancore Royal Family, the cousin family of the Mavelikara House, to which lineage the present Travancore Maharajah (Titular), Uthradom Thirunal Marthanda Varma, belonged. Well known among his descendants are writers Aswathi Thirunal Gowri Lakshmi Bayi, Shreekumar Varma, artist Rukmini Varma and classical musician Aswathi Thirunal Rama Varma among others.List of major works[edit]
The following is a list of the prominent works of Ravi Varma.- Village Belle
- Lady Lost in Thought
- Damayanti Talking to a Swan
- The Orchestra
- Arjuna and Subhadra
- The heartbroken
- Swarbat Player
- Shakuntala
- Lord Krishna as Ambassador
- Jatayu, a bird devotee of Lord Rama is mauled by Ravana
- Victory of Indrajit
- The gypsies[attribution needed]
- A Lady Playing Swarbat
- Lady Giving Alms at the Temple
- Lord Rama Conquers Varuna
- Gheevarghese Mar Gregorios of Parumala
- Nair Woman
- Romancing Couple
- Draupadi Dreading to Meet Kichaka
- Shantanu and Matsyagandha
- Shakuntala Composing a Love Letter to King Dushyanta
- Girl in Sage Kanwa's Hermitage (Rishi-Kanya)
- Bharani Thirunal Lakshmi Bayi of Travancore
- Sri Shanmukha Subramania Swami
In popular culture[edit]
- Bollywood film maker Ketan Mehta directed a movie Rang Rasiya on the life of Varma in 2014 in which Randeep Hooda played the role of the artist
- Indian director Lenin Rajendran made a Malayalam movie named Makaramanju (The Mist of Capricorn) in 2010, which narrates Varma's life at a certain stage in his life. Indian director/cinematographer Santhosh Sivan played the lead role of Varma.
- The Marathi textbook of Maharashtra State Board contains a chapter titled 'अपूर्व भेट' meaning 'A Unique Gift' portraying Varma meeting Swami Vivekananda. It has been edited from the novel 'राजा रविवर्मा (Raja Ravi Varma)' written by Ranjit Desai.
- Raja Ravi Varma: Painter of Colonial Indian by Rupika Chawla, Pub: Mapin Publishing, Ahmedabad, March 2010,
- Raja Ravi Varma – Oleographs Catalogueby Dr. D.Jegat Ishwari, Pub: ShriParasuraman, Chennai, 2010, ISBN 9788191002614
- Ravi Varma Classic: 2008, Genesis Art Foundation, Cochin-18;45 clour plate with text by Vijayakumar Menon.
- Raja Ravi Varma – The Most Celebrated Painter of India: 1848–1906, Parsram Mangharam, Bangalore, 2007
- Raja Ravi Varma – The Painter Prince: 1848–1906, Parsram Mangharam, Bangalore, 2003
- Raja Ravi Varma and the Printed Gods of India, Erwin Neumayer & Christine Schelberger, New Delhi, Oxford University Press, 2003
- Raja Ravi Varma: The Most Celebrated Painter of India : 1848 – 1906, Classic Collection, Vol I & II. Bangalore, Parsram Mangharam, 2005
- Raja Ravi Varma: Portrait of an Artist, The Diary of C. Raja Raja Varma/edited by Erwin Neumayer and Christine Schelberger. New Delhi, Oxford University Press, 2005
- Divine Lithography, Enrico Castelli and Giovanni Aprile, New Delhi, Il Tamburo Parlante Documentation Centre and Ethnographic Museum, 2005
- Photos of the Gods: The Printed Image and Political Struggle in India by Christopher Pinney. London, Reaktion Book, 2004
- Raja Ravi Varma:Raja Ravi Varma:E.M Joseph Venniyur,former director of AIR
- Raja Ravi Varma: A Novel,Ranjit Desai -Translated by Vikrant Pande, Pub: Harper Perennial (2013), ISBN 9789350296615
- Ravi Varma – A critical study by Vijayakumar Menon, Pub: Kerala Lalitha Kala Akademy, Trissur, 2002
- Raja Ravi Varmayum chitrkalayum, Kilimanoor Chandran, Department of Cultural Publications, Kerala Government, 1999.
- Chithramezhuthu Koyithampuran, P. N. Narayana Pillai.
- Raja Ravi Varma, N. Balakrishnan Nair.
- "Raja Ravi Varma", a novel by Marathi language novelist Ranjit Desai translated into English by Vikrant Pande.
See also[edit]
Notes and references[edit]
- ^ Joshi, Om Prakash (1985). Sociology of Indian art. Rawat Publications. p. 40.
- ^ K.R.N. Swamy (28 April 2002). "A great painter, no doubt, but controversial too". Spectrum–The Tribune. Retrieved 28 October 2014.
- ^ "Restoring works of art". The Hindu. Retrieved 18 April 2015.
- ^ Mitter, Partha (1994). "5 – The Artist as Charismatic Individual – Raja Ravi Varma". Art and nationalism in colonial India, 1850–1922: occidental orientations. Cambridge University Press. pp. 179–215. ISBN 978-0-521-44354-8. Retrieved 12 December 2011.
- ^ ab "The Diary of C. Rajaraja Varma"
- ^ Kilimanoor Chandran, Ravi Varmayum Chitrakalayum(in Malayalam), Department of Culture, Kerala, 1998.
- ^ Vadodara, Lakshmi Vilas Palace. "Raja Ravi Varma Paintings, Vadodara". www.historyofvadodara.in.
- ^ Raja Ravi Varma Prints - Google Sites http://sites.google.com/site/ravivarmalithos/
- ^ "Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature".
- ^ PAL, DEEPANJANA (2011). THE PAINTER. Random House India. ISBN 9788184002614. Retrieved 18 April 2015.
राजा रविवर्मा - विकिपीडिया
mr.wikipedia.org/wiki/राजा_रविवर्माराजा रवी वर्मा यांची स्वाक्षरी. राजा रवि वर्मा, (मल्याळम भाषा:രാജാ രവി വര്മ ; रोमन लिपी:Raja Ravi Varma ;) (एप्रिल २९, इ.स.Raja Ravi Varma - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raja_Ravi_Varmaया पानाचे भाषांतर कराRaja Ravi Varma Coil Thampuran (Malayalam: രാജാ രവിവർമ്മ; 29 April 1848 – 5 October 1906) was an Indian painter and artist from the princely state of ...25 Best Raja Ravi Varma Paintings - 18th Century Indian ...
webneel.com/25-best-oil-paintings-raja...या पानाचे भाषांतर कराRaja Ravi Varma Paintings : Raja Ravi Varma was an Indian artist from the princely state of Travancore (presently in Kerala) who achieved recognition for his ...Raja Ravi Varma - Cyber Kerala
www.cyberkerala.com/rajaravivarma/या पानाचे भाषांतर कराCollection of oil paintings of Raja Ravi Varma (1848-1906), the great artist of Kerala, India.Ravi Varma Art Gallery
ravivarma.org/या पानाचे भाषांतर कराRavi Varma Virtual Art Gallery featuring images of oil paintings and art works of Raja Ravi Varma and famous artists around the world. Our Raja Ravi V.Indian Heritage - Paintings by Raja Ravi Varma
www.indian-heritage.org/.../ravivrma.h...या पानाचे भाषांतर कराRaja Ravi varma (1848 - 1906) is famous for his paintings based on Indian mythology & epics. He was was born in Kilimanoor Palace as the son of Umamba... MOHINI --- PAINTINGS BY RAJA RAVI VARMA - YouTube
www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHD2FpEF4Lc३ डिसें, २०११ - kshitija1967 द्वारा अपलोड केलेलेRAJA RAVI VARMA was an Indian painter from Travancore.RAJA RAVI VARMA is most remembered for his ...Kamat's Potpourri: The Genius of Ravi Verma
www.kamat.com › ... › Ravi Varmaया पानाचे भाषांतर करा१ जाने, २०१५ - I have been fascinated by the paintings of Raja Ravi Varma (also spelled as Raja Ravi Verma) since my childhood. In our ancestral home, ...Raja Ravi Varma - Cultural India
www.culturalindia.net/.../raja-ravi-varm...या पानाचे भाषांतर कराRaja Ravi Varma is known for his amazing paintings based on Indian epics. Know about Raja Ravi Verma biography & life history.Profile of the Month - Ravi Varma - Indian Art Circle!!
www.indianartcircle.com/.../ravi.shtmlया पानाचे भाषांतर कराAn artist who is credited with bringing about a momentous turn in the art of India, Raja Ravi Varma inexorably influenced future generations of artists from ...
Raja Ravi Varma Paintings
जाहिरातwww.webneel.com/Raja Ravi Varma was a famous Indian artist achieved recognition in Artwebneel.com ना Google+ वर ७३,५९७ अनुयायी आहेत
External links[edit]
Media related to Raja Ravi Varma at Wikimedia Commons
- Raja Ravi Varma Art Gallery
- Single Largest Collection Online
- Ravi Varma's Paintings
- Largest collection of the Lithographs from the Ravi Varma Press
- A Large Collection from Varma
- The Hindu: The royal artist by K.K. Gopalakrishnan
- 1000 Oleographs from Raja Ravi Varma Press shown as Slide show
- Raja Ravi Varma: His Life, Paintings, Presses and Oleographs
- The Tribune article about him
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